82 research outputs found

    Cubic Halo Bias in Eulerian and Lagrangian Space

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    Predictions of the next-to-leading order, i.e. one-loop, halo power spectra depend on local and non-local bias parameters up to cubic order. The linear bias parameter can be estimated from the large scale limit of the halo-matter power spectrum, and the second order bias parameters from the large scale, tree-level, bispectrum. Cubic operators would naturally be quantified using the tree-level trispectrum. As the latter is computationally expensive, we extent the quadratic field method proposed in Schmittfull et al. 2014 to cubic fields in order to estimate cubic bias parameters. We cross-correlate a basis set of cubic bias operators with the halo field and express the result in terms of the cross-spectra of these operators in order to cancel cosmic variance. We obtain significant detections of local and non-local cubic bias parameters, which are partially in tension with predictions based on local Lagrangian bias schemes. We directly measure the Lagrangian bias parameters of the protohaloes associated with our halo sample and clearly detect a non-local quadratic term in Lagrangian space. We do not find a clear detection of non-local cubic Lagrangian terms for low mass bins, but there is some mild evidence for their presence for the highest mass bin. While the method presented here focuses on cubic bias parameters, the approach could also be applied to quantifications of cubic primordial non-Gaussianity.Comment: 37 pages, 16 figures, 4 tables; figures 14 and 15 are slightly changed compare to the previous version; comments welcom

    On the reach of perturbative descriptions for dark matter displacement fields

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    We study Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) and its regularization in the Effective Field Theory (EFT) approach. We evaluate the LPT displacement with the same phases as a corresponding NN-body simulation, which allows us to compare perturbation theory to the non-linear simulation with significantly reduced cosmic variance, and provides a more stringent test than simply comparing power spectra. We reliably detect a non-vanishing leading order EFT coefficient and a stochastic displacement term, uncorrelated with the LPT terms. This stochastic term is expected in the EFT framework, and, to the best of our understanding, is not an artifact of numerical errors or transients in our simulations. This term constitutes a limit to the accuracy of perturbative descriptions of the displacement field and its phases, corresponding to a 1%1\% error on the non-linear power spectrum at k=0.2hk=0.2 h/Mpc at z=0z=0. Predicting the displacement power spectrum to higher accuracy or larger wavenumbers thus requires a model for the stochastic displacement.Comment: 48 pages, 29 figures, comments welcom

    Iterative initial condition reconstruction

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    Motivated by recent developments in perturbative calculations of the nonlinear evolution of large-scale structure, we present an iterative algorithm to reconstruct the initial conditions in a given volume starting from the dark matter distribution in real space. In our algorithm, objects are first moved back iteratively along estimated potential gradients, with a progressively reduced smoothing scale, until a nearly uniform catalog is obtained. The linear initial density is then estimated as the divergence of the cumulative displacement, with an optional second-order correction. This algorithm should undo nonlinear effects up to one-loop order, including the higher-order infrared resummation piece. We test the method using dark matter simulations in real space. At redshift z=0z=0, we find that after eight iterations the reconstructed density is more than 95%95\% correlated with the initial density at k≤0.35  hMpc−1k\le 0.35\; h\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}. The reconstruction also reduces the power in the difference between reconstructed and initial fields by more than 2 orders of magnitude at k≤0.2  hMpc−1k\le 0.2\; h\mathrm{Mpc}^{-1}, and it extends the range of scales where the full broadband shape of the power spectrum matches linear theory by a factor of 2-3. As a specific application, we consider measurements of the baryonic acoustic oscillation (BAO) scale that can be improved by reducing the degradation effects of large-scale flows. In our idealized dark matter simulations, the method improves the BAO signal-to-noise ratio by a factor of 2.7 at z=0z=0 and by a factor of 2.5 at z=0.6z=0.6, improving standard BAO reconstruction by 70%70\% at z=0z=0 and 30%30\% at z=0.6z=0.6, and matching the optimal BAO signal and signal-to-noise ratio of the linear density in the same volume. For BAO, the iterative nature of the reconstruction is the most important aspect.Comment: 26 pages, 14 figures, published version. Code available at https://github.com/mschmittfull/iterre

    On the reach of perturbative methods for dark matter density fields

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    We study the mapping from Lagrangian to Eulerian space in the context of the Effective Field Theory (EFT) of Large Scale Structure. We compute Lagrangian displacements with Lagrangian Perturbation Theory (LPT) and perform the full non-perturbative transformation from displacement to density. When expanded up to a given order, this transformation reproduces the standard Eulerian Perturbation Theory (SPT) at the same order. However, the full transformation from displacement to density also includes higher order terms. These terms explicitly resum long wavelength motions, thus making the resulting density field better correlated with the true non-linear density field. As a result, the regime of validity of this approach is expected to extend that of the Eulerian EFT, and match that of the IR-resummed Eulerian EFT. This approach thus effectively enables a test of the IR-resummed EFT at the field level. We estimate the size of stochastic, non-perturbative contributions to the matter density power spectrum. We find that in our highest order calculation, at redshift z=0 the power spectrum of the density field is reproduced with an accuracy of 1 % (10 %) up to k=0.25 h/Mpc (k=0.46 h/Mpc). We believe that the dominant source of the remaining error is the stochastic contribution. Unfortunately, on these scales the stochastic term does not yet scale as k4k^4 as it does in the very low-k regime. Thus, modeling this contribution might be challenging.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Lagrangian perturbation theory at one loop order: successes, failures, and improvements

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    We apply the convolved Lagrangian perturbation theory (CLPT) formalism, in which one can express the matter density power spectrum in terms of integrals over a function of cumulants of the displacement field, allowing for a resummation of the terms, to evaluate the full one loop power spectrum. We keep the cumulants up to third order, extending the Zel'dovich approximation and providing the power spectrum analogous to the calculations recently performed for the correlation function. We compare the results to the N-body simulations and to the Lagrangian perturbation simulations up to the second order. We find that the analytic calculations are in a good agreement with the LPT simulations, but when compared to full N-body simulations, we find that while one loop calculations improve upon the Zel'dovich approximation in the power spectrum, they still significantly lack power. As found previously in the correlation function one loop CLPT improves slightly against Zel'dovich above 30Mpc/h, but is actually worse than Zel'dovich below that. We investigate the deficiencies of the CLPT approach and argue that main problem of CLPT is its inability to trap particles inside dark matter halos, which leads to an overestimate of the small scale power of the displacement field and to an underestimate of the small scale power from one halo term effects. We model this using the displacement field damped at a nonlinear scale (CLPTs). To explore this in more detail we decompose the power spectrum and correlation function into three additive components: Zel'dovich, residual BAO wiggle, and residual broad band. One loop CLPT predicts small modifications to BAO wiggles that are enhanced in CLPTs, with up to 5\% corrections to correlation function around BAO scale.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Velocity bias in the distribution of dark matter halos

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    The standard formalism for the co-evolution of halos and dark matter predicts that any initial halo velocity bias rapidly decays to zero. We argue that, when the purpose is to compute statistics like power spectra etc., the coupling in the momentum conservation equation for the biased tracers must be modified. Our new formulation predicts the constancy in time of any statistical halo velocity bias present in the initial conditions, in agreement with peak theory. We test this prediction by studying the evolution of a conserved halo population in N-body simulations. We establish that the initial simulated halo density and velocity statistics show distinct features of the peak model and, thus, deviate from the simple local Lagrangian bias. We demonstrate, for the first time, that the time evolution of their velocity is in tension with the rapid decay expected in the standard approach.Comment: 6+ pages, extended to match published version, conclusions unchange

    Near optimal bispectrum estimators for large-scale structure

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    Clustering of large-scale structure provides significant cosmological information through the power spectrum of density perturbations. Additional information can be gained from higher-order statistics like the bispectrum, especially to break the degeneracy between the linear halo bias b1b_1 and the amplitude of fluctuations σ8\sigma_8. We propose new simple, computationally inexpensive bispectrum statistics that are near optimal for the specific applications like bias determination. Corresponding to the Legendre decomposition of nonlinear halo bias and gravitational coupling at second order, these statistics are given by the cross-spectra of the density with three quadratic fields: the squared density, a tidal term, and a shift term. For halos and galaxies the first two have associated nonlinear bias terms b2b_2 and bs2b_{s^2}, respectively, while the shift term has none in the absence of velocity bias (valid in the k→0k \rightarrow 0 limit). Thus the linear bias b1b_1 is best determined by the shift cross-spectrum, while the squared density and tidal cross-spectra mostly tighten constraints on b2b_2 and bs2b_{s^2} once b1b_1 is known. Since the form of the cross-spectra is derived from optimal maximum-likelihood estimation, they contain the full bispectrum information on bias parameters. Perturbative analytical predictions for their expectation values and covariances agree with simulations on large scales, k≲0.09h/Mpck\lesssim 0.09h/\mathrm{Mpc} at z=0.55z=0.55 with Gaussian R=20h−1MpcR=20h^{-1}\mathrm{Mpc} smoothing, for matter-matter-matter, and matter-matter-halo combinations. For halo-halo-halo cross-spectra the model also needs to include corrections to the Poisson stochasticity.Comment: 22+6 pages, 11 figures, included minor text improvements to match published versio

    The Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure at Two Loops: the apparent scale dependence of the speed of sound

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    We study the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure for cosmic density and momentum fields. We show that the finite part of the two-loop calculation and its counterterms introduce an apparent scale dependence for the leading order parameter cs2c_\text{s}^2 of the EFT starting at k=0.1 h/Mpc. These terms limit the range over which one can trust the one-loop EFT calculation at the 1 % level to k<0.1 h/Mpc at redshift z=0. We construct a well motivated one parameter ansatz to fix the relative size of the one- and two-loop counterterms using their high-k sensitivity. Although this one parameter model is a very restrictive choice for the counterterms, it explains the apparent scale dependence of cs2c_\text{s}^2 seen in simulations. It is also able to capture the scale dependence of the density power spectrum up to k≈\approx 0.3 h/Mpc at the 1 % level at redshift z=0z=0. Considering a simple scheme for the resummation of large scale motions, we find that the two loop calculation reduces the need for this IR-resummation at k<0.2 h/Mpc. Finally, we extend our calculation to momentum statistics and show that the same one parameter model can also describe density-momentum and momentum-momentum statistics.Comment: 22 pages, 13 figures, fixed typos, results unchanged, published versio

    The Bispectrum in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure

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    We study the bispectrum in the Effective Field Theory of Large Scale Structure, consistently accounting for the effects of short-scale dynamics. We begin by proving that, as long as the theory is perturbative, it can be formulated to arbitrary order using only operators that are local in time. We then derive all the new operators required to cancel the UV-divergences and obtain a physically meaningful prediction for the one-loop bispectrum. In addition to new, subleading stochastic noises and the viscosity term needed for the one-loop power spectrum, we find three new effective operators. The three new parameters can be constrained by comparing with N-body simulations. The best fit is precisely what is suggested by the structure of UV-divergences, hence justifying a formula for the EFTofLSS bispectrum whose only fitting parameter is already fixed by the power spectrum. This result predicts the bispectrum of N-body simulations up to k≈0.22 h Mpc−1k \approx 0.22\, h\, \text{Mpc}^{-1} at z=0z=0, an improvement by nearly a factor of two as compared to one-loop standard perturbation theory.Comment: 63 pages, 18 figures, as published in JCA

    Linear response to long wavelength fluctuations using curvature simulations

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    We study the local response to long wavelength fluctuations in cosmological NN-body simulations, focusing on the matter and halo power spectra, halo abundance and non-linear transformations of the density field. The long wavelength mode is implemented using an effective curved cosmology and a mapping of time and distances. The method provides an alternative, most probably more precise, way to measure the isotropic halo biases. Limiting ourselves to the linear case, we find generally good agreement between the biases obtained from the curvature method and the traditional power spectrum method at the level of a few percent. We also study the response of halo counts to changes in the variance of the field and find that the slope of the relation between the responses to density and variance differs from the naive derivation assuming a universal mass function by 18%. This has implications for measurements of the amplitude of local non-Gaussianity using scale dependent bias. We also analyze the halo power spectrum and halo-dark matter cross-spectrum response to long wavelength fluctuations and derive second order halo bias from it, as well as the super-sample variance contribution to the galaxy power spectrum covariance matrix.Comment: 29 pages, 14 figure
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